Some days I just feel like a frog in a frying pan...

There's a story that's been told about two frogs who fell into a vat of cream. These frogs knew they would soon die if they didn't keep paddling as fast as they could yet, try as they might, they could not jump out. It was not long before the first little frog became too tired to go on. He gave up, and, alas, he drowned in that vat of cream. The second frog persevered until he eventually churned that cream into butter. He was able to stand on top of the butter and hop out of the vat safe and sound - though very, very tired!

I remembered this little fable often during the time that my brother was sick. No matter how much pain he was in or how bleak the future looked, he kept leaning on God and fighting the good fight. When it took 3 1/2 years to receive his transplant - he kept fighting. When he developed complications from the transplant - he kept fighting. When he spent 9 months in the hospital away from his family and friends - he kept fighting. When his body literally petrified, leaving him paralyzed - he kept fighting. When he was in excruciating pain - he kept fighting.

It was not long before the mantra FROG - Fully Rely On God - began to have a deeper meaning to us. He was still leaning on God and fighting the good fight until God answered our prayers to heal him by taking him Home. That was eight years ago, but I still miss him dearly. And every time I see a frog, I think of him and feel challenged to Fully Rely On God - to fight the good fight - no matter what life throws my way. That's what this blog is about - the things God is teaching me and the tools He is giving me to walk that walk. Or should I say hop that hop - because sometimes life just feels like a great big frying pan!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Whose in Charge? Oh, My!

1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 “The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses.[a] 3 So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow their example. For they don’t practice what they teach.

     Something odd struck me as I read these verses – and I read chapter 23 several times. I’ve always seen the Pharisees and religious leaders as the villains of the Bible. Even the verse after this passage talks about how “they crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden.” But even still, catch what Jesus is telling the people, including His own disciples here in these few verses. “Practice and obey whatever they tell you.” Now to me He is telling them, “Look, these guys have a place of authority, and you need to respect them and follow their laws.” Then He tells them, “but don’t follow their example.” In other words, don’t live like they do.
     Now, I am no philosophical guru. But if all scripture is given by God for teaching, correction, and training, then these verses must have some practical application for me today. There are no Pharisees as such, but there are leaders, and I think we can all agree that we don’t always agree with the decisions they make. We might not all agree about which ones we think are wise and which ones we think are not, but it is safe to say there are leaders in our lives with whom we don’t see eye to eye. Could it be that God is telling me that my role here is to be obedient to their authority and trust Him with the rest? God did not say, “Disciples go and tell the Pharisees and religious leaders they are hypocrites, and I am not happy with them.” No, He did that Himself. He was perfectly aware of the situation when He told the people “do what they say” just as I know He is perfectly aware of the situations today that leave me feeling burdened and afraid. Now, it is important to note here that He cautioned them not to follow the leaders’ example and live like they were living. I’m thinking, therefore, that as a child of God, I have a responsibility to be obedient to the laws and respect the lawmakers – even if I don’t agree with them. But that does not mean that I have to admire the way they live or practice their lifestyle. Besides, what kind of Christian example am I setting if I break the laws of my country and display a poor attitude toward those in authority over me?

Lord, you are going to have to help me with this one. There are so many people in places of authority today that I simply find it hard to respect on my own. Help me see them through your eyes knowing that you love them just as you love me. I pray for each one of them right now. Lord, work in their lives that they may have profound wisdom and discernment that can only come from you. Give them a boldness to stand up for what is true and right and a clear vision of what that truly is. Protect their bodies, minds, and souls from Satan’s grasp. Put a hedge around them that evil, confusion, and lies cannot penetrate. Unite us as a country wholly devoted to You, our Rock and Redeemer.

Amen and Amen

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