Some days I just feel like a frog in a frying pan...

There's a story that's been told about two frogs who fell into a vat of cream. These frogs knew they would soon die if they didn't keep paddling as fast as they could yet, try as they might, they could not jump out. It was not long before the first little frog became too tired to go on. He gave up, and, alas, he drowned in that vat of cream. The second frog persevered until he eventually churned that cream into butter. He was able to stand on top of the butter and hop out of the vat safe and sound - though very, very tired!

I remembered this little fable often during the time that my brother was sick. No matter how much pain he was in or how bleak the future looked, he kept leaning on God and fighting the good fight. When it took 3 1/2 years to receive his transplant - he kept fighting. When he developed complications from the transplant - he kept fighting. When he spent 9 months in the hospital away from his family and friends - he kept fighting. When his body literally petrified, leaving him paralyzed - he kept fighting. When he was in excruciating pain - he kept fighting.

It was not long before the mantra FROG - Fully Rely On God - began to have a deeper meaning to us. He was still leaning on God and fighting the good fight until God answered our prayers to heal him by taking him Home. That was eight years ago, but I still miss him dearly. And every time I see a frog, I think of him and feel challenged to Fully Rely On God - to fight the good fight - no matter what life throws my way. That's what this blog is about - the things God is teaching me and the tools He is giving me to walk that walk. Or should I say hop that hop - because sometimes life just feels like a great big frying pan!

Friday, January 8, 2010

This Christmas I learned you're never too old to learn...

I am 29 - going on 49.  Since all of my children are in their 20's now, I guess I am going to have to say good bye to mine.  That's ok.  I've lived too much life to be 29.  I have been married 29 years for goodness sake, and I wouldn't change that for anything!  I have the most wonderful husband in the world.  (Sorry, ladies.)  I have raised four magnificent kids.  I have one wonderful daughter-in-law.  I have a job/ministry I love.  The point is, I am no spring chicken.  It has been a long time since I was a little girl living at home with my parents yet I learned a wonderful lesson from them this Christmas.  I learned the importance of laughter.

It was a frustrating lesson to learn as most lessons are.  My parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary December 24.  My mom didn't want the traditional ceremony.  She didn't ask much, either.  She just wanted to have her family around her to celebrate with her, and she wanted a big "ta da" in her honor.  You see my mom grew up in a very dysfunctioal home.  She didn't receive all the loving attention most of us receive at birthdays and other celebrations; therefore, she values it greatly now.  I, however, grew up in a very loving home.  She was able to break that cycle, due in large part to both my heavenly and earthly fathers.  I will be eternally grateful to them both!  I figure a little fanfare was not a lot to provide for two people who have done so much for me so I set out to find a place that would help me provide that experience.  I won't go into detail, but regardless to my planning and communication, the fanfare didn't turn out anything like I had pictured it - anything like mom had asked it to be.  When they brought the cake bearing the words "Happy Anniversary, Les and Nancy" out to my parents, they sang Happy Birthday to my mom.  Words cannot express how disappointed I was that I had not provided my mom with the little she had asked.  I was already disappointed with the fact that there was no way to get her entire family together at once.  My parents, however, just laughed and made a beautiful memory out of the situation.  Of all the people who had the right to be bitter about life, my mom sat me down that night and explained to me the importance of laughing at least once a day.  I am so thankful I have my mom and dad to teach me such wonderful life lessons.  I am thankful that I am not too old to learn.  And I am very thankful for the gift of laughter they have given me over and over throughout the years - even now as I am going on 49!  

"Lord, help me see the humor in the world around me.  Help me not take myself too seriously and laugh at least once a day!  May I spread the gift of laughter to those around me."

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